A trip to the family dentist colorado springs is a worthwhile experience for the person who avoids making dental appointments. A good dentist has a personality that puts a patient at ease. Some people are terrified of visiting a dentist because of frightening incidents in the past. Others are concerned about dealing with pain or tooth extractions causing them to eat soft food for several weeks. Regardless of the situation, an excellent dentist is a person who instills confidence in patients.
A Conservative Dentist Tries to Save Teeth
It is increasingly difficult to find a conservative dentist who tries to save a patient's teeth. With the advent and popularity of dental implants, too many dentists advocate extensive tooth extractions and implants as reasonable answers. The last thing a patient wants to hear is that extractions are mandatory. Visiting a conservative dentist gives a person hope because this type of family dentist is more concerned about preserving teeth rather than extracting teeth.
Prevention is an Important Key to having a Healthy Mouth
Flossing the teeth every night is one way to combat potential problems related to the teeth and gums. When a person flosses along the sides of each tooth. Floss helps reduce tartar and plaque. Some dentists believe that flossing the teeth is more important than brushing. Yet, many people are simply too tired to floss their teeth before they go to bed at night. Neglecting to floss is an error. People who refuse to floss may find that their gums bleed more easily whenever they brush their teeth.
Manual Toothbrushes Versus Electric Toothbrushes
Some dental hygienists recommend electric toothbrushes for their patients. Elderly seniors may not brush their teeth as thoroughly when they use manual brushes. An older person may benefit from using an electric toothbrush because the brush does all the work. However, people with advanced cases of periodontal disease may fare better by using manual toothbrushes instead of electric varieties.
Diet Plays an Important Role in Dental Health
A person who smokes and drinks sodas is more at risk of experiencing dental issues. One way to prevent health problems with the teeth and gums is to eat a balanced diet. Swiss cheese, raw apples and plain yogurt provide the teeth with needed nutrients. A person who has questions about healthy teeth should call a family dentist in Colorado Springs to make an appointment.